The installation Voilà, Vois là, Voile (a), based on the metaphor of the “fog veil”, suggests a conflation of two timeframes in an enigmatic, contained environment. The static time of hundreds of glazed porcelain drops suspended in the structure is combined with the fluid time of water particles accumulating and eventually dripping from the porcelain drops. The water particles are produced by four ultrasonic mist-makers that are controlled by a microcontroller that triggers the mist-makers at different times in order to produce varying densities of fog. When the fog becomes dense in the concealed environment of the acrylic box, it is difficult to perceive the static porcelain drops and to see through the window of the space where the piece is installed: only a mysterious “fog veil” can be perceived.
MDF structure, acrylic box, porcelain, glaze, polyester thread, ultrasonic mistmakers, water, circuit board,microcontroller, 88 x 81 x 13 inches.
Photo credit : Étienne Dionne
Photo credit : Jenna Edwards
Photo credit : Chris Myhr